Social media is wonderful because it allows professional athletes to chronicle their incredibly extravagant lives. These are things the average person most likely will never experience.

But services like Instagram, Twitter and Vine also allow athletes to share their more, well, mundane activities. And often these are the moments when we can relate to them the most.

Take DeAndre Jordan, for example. The Los Angeles Clippers big man is a social media maven with more than 300,000 followers on Twitter. And while it's neat to see Jordan post photos of himself dressed as a superhero, it's also fun to read the hilarious texts he sends to his mom.

"Whether it’s Twitter, Instagram, Vine whatever it is, people love that," Jordan told ThePostGame in August. "It kind of takes them off the court and gives them a different perspective, which I think people definitely enjoy."

This week Jordan took his followers behind the scenes once again, posting several Vine videos of his physical. Nothing grandiose or over-the-top, but something we can all relate to.

Pretty cool, huh? And, of course, Jordan being the jokester that he is, he had to throw this Vine in for good measure: