It's embarrassing enough to lose a push-up contest to a buddy at the gym, but getting defeated by a fictional character in front of dozens of people at Disney World? Now that is utterly humiliating.

In a new YouTube video that has gone viral, a man challenges the theme park's Gaston to a push-up competition. Gaston, the Beauty and the Beast villain who was never known for modesty, immediately accepts. It's clear from the beginning that the challenger has no chance, and before long Gaston is doing one-handed push-ups faster than his opponent can do normal push-ups.

The video has received nearly 4 million views since it was uploaded Jan. 2. Here's what the uploader, Blake Platt, wrote after it became a viral sensation:

"So...this got infinitely more attention than I thought it would. We were just having fun and I thought a person or two might get a chuckle out of it. When my brother and I go to the Disney parks (which we love), one of our goals every time we enter is to make someone's day, even if it's just one person. Hopefully we've been able to do that on a little larger scale; and, hopefully again, in a way of which Walt would be proud."

It's fine if you want to challenge Gaston. But maybe tackle these workouts first to avoid embarrassment:

It's not easy being Gaston, who is hated by just about everyone who has seen the popular 1991 film. A few months ago someone uploaded a video of the same man getting put in his place by a very persistent little girl:

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