Rob Gronkowski is a one-man party machine, and in the post-Super Bowl victory euphoria, he's liable to do anything.

We mean that in the most literal sense.

As he and his entourage push forward on a seemingly non-stop celebration circuit, everyone wants a little piece of the Gronk hype machine. On his way back to his party bus -- a former church shuttle converted into one of the least sanitary vehicles in the country -- paparazzi goaded Gronk into spiking a bouquet of flowers some attractive female fans had just given him.

The price was right: One photographer offered him one hundred dollars for the act. And Gronk, a man of the people, can't help but make another dream come true.

That's far from the only notable appearance Gronkowski has made. On Monday night, the Patriots star appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live to read yet another passage from the erotic novel about him titled "A Gronking to Remember."

On the segment, Gronkowski let it slip that he hasn't read a book since ninth grade.

Kimmel is quick to point out where he attended college: The University of Arizona.

To summarize, Gronkowski is the happiest man in America right now. Maybe not the smartest, certainly not the most saintly, but the happiest.

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