If you're looking to lose weight these days, you're not short on options. In fact, the quandary for many people can oftentimes be in determining which avenue is the most effective.

A recent study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology should help gym-goers decide whether to hit the treadmill or the dumbells.

Researchers at Duke divided more than 100 overweight or obese adults into three groups: A section of people who did resistance training, another that did aerobic exercise and a group that did both. The participants worked out for between two and three hours each week.

Those in the aerobic and the mixed group lost the most weight, followed by the resistance group. From these results, researchers concluded that cardio should be the main (but not only) focus of people looking to cut pounds

"If you’re overweight, it’s good to lose fat and body weight,” said Dr. Leslie Willis, lead author of the study and an exercise physiologist at Duke. "Spend time doing cardio training if that’s your main goal."

It should be noted, however, that resistance training is still valuable, especially for people looking to build toned muscles.

(H/T to Wired)