Soccer star, global icon, model and now ... actor?

The recently retired David Beckham is reportedly mulling an offer to take a role in an upcoming film directed by Matthew Vaugh (Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, X-Men: First Class). The movie, titled The Secret Service, stars Samuel L. Jackson, Colin Firth and Taron Egerton.

According to The Sun, Firth personally asked Beckham to consider joining the film.

"Becks was asked by Colin Firth if he'd like to be in the movie but he is yet to fully commit," a source told The Sun. "He loves movies and fancies appearing on the big screen - but just as a one-off, not a full-time career."

Beckham is considering a role as a villain in the new movie. As one might expect, Beckham would add considerable box office appeal to a movie that already includes a cameo from Elton John.

"[Vaughn] feels having Becks on board will raise the profile of the movie to such heights, everyone will want to see it," the source told The Sun.

While Beckham doesn't have much experience with feature films, he has starred in his fair share of commercials, including this racy one directed by Guy Ritchie.