This video, first posted Saturday on Live Leak and now making the rounds on YouTube, is titled "Possibly worst taekwondo martial arts demo ever." After watching it, you will be hard-pressed to disagree.

Shot in the U.K., the clip shows an instructor struggling to break a board with his hands and feet. When he finally manages to break it with a kick, it is only half a success as a piece of the broken board hits one of the students in the head. The little girl begins to cry and walks off, presumably in search of a parent.

But the demonstration continues. Given the accident with the girl, the instructor changes the direction in which he strikes the board. It doesn't help his effectiveness. After failing to break the board with a spinning back kick, he decides to take off his shoe. This only helps him kick the hand of one of the men holding the board. Ouch, on all fronts.

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You have to feel bad for this guy, as you can sense the pressure mounting with each dud.