When a man with the nickname "Big Baby" wants a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, you get him a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Or else you will pay. Literally.

Orlando Magic rookie Andrew Nicholson discovered that lesson the hard way recently, when teammate Glen "Big Baby" Davis accosted him on camera in search of his PB & J. Nicholson told Davis he didn't have it, and both men looked over hopefully at rookie DeQuan Jones. But Jones didn't have the sandwich either. His job was to get waters for the veterans.

Upon hearing that his peanut butter and jelly sandwich was not ready, Davis (jokingly, we hope) demanded $100 from both of the rookies. He explained that without the sandwich he would have to eat pineapple, and Big Baby Davis does not eat pineapple.

"Pineapple?" Davis asks. "Do I look like I eat pineapple? Do I look sweet?"

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