Lemon Water


Are you ready? It's almost time begin the journey towards your New Year fitness goals.

Reaching your goals is going to take much more than your 45-minute cardio session. You are going to need to follow a routine. A daily regime, one you will stick to, and work through, until your goals are met and long after you already met them.

I know it's a lot to take in, but I can assure you it will be worth it! Once you get started, working out will become second nature. Eating healthy will become habit, and taking the necessary steps to care for yourself will be a no brainer. So, get ready to feel healthy, confident and energized. Below is the Ultimate Guide to Meeting your Weight Loss goals.

Ultimate Guide To Weight Loss


Drink Lemon Water

Get in the routine of drinking warm lemon water every morning. Lemon water helps your body eliminate waste products while aiding in the body’s digestive system. It Detoxes your body, rejuvenates you skin, boosts your mood, cleanses your liver and helps relieves heart burn.


Drink Lemon Water

Lemons contain ... Vitamin C: Helps work against the common cold. Copper: Reduces arthritis symptoms. Magnesium: Essential for energy and helps regulate body temperature. Potassium: Helps with disorders including, stress and anxiety. Also increases muscle strength and electrolytic functions.


Eat Breakfast

Breakfast is known as the most important meal of the day. Start your day off with a healthy breakfast and give yourself energy to start your day. Eating breakfast is proven to ...


Eat Breakfast

... improve concentration, give you energy, help with weight loss and boost your metabolism.


Carry Protein Powder

Drink when hungry instead of eating your calories. According to webmd.com, it is important to use protein powders when you are growing, when you are starting a new program, when you are amping up your workouts, when you ...


Carry Protein Powder

... are recovering from an injury and when you are going vegan.


Brush Your Teeth

Itching for a snack? Just brush your teeth! Brushing your teeth right after you eat makes it less likely ...


Brush Your Teeth

... you will snack or eat again later. Under a time crunch? Just use mouthwash.


Eat "Dessert For Breakfast"

Don't deny yourself those pancakes the whipped cream! According to health.com, "Embrace "breakfast dessert." In a 2012 study, researchers at Tel Aviv University Medical Center found that dieters who ate a large breakfast that included a sweet treat lost ...


Eat "Dessert For Breakfast"

... 37 pounds more over eight months than those on an equal-calorie diet with a smaller, low-carb breakfast.


Work Out In The Morning

Eliminate your excuses, get your workout done in the morning! Why wait all day long for that dreaded after-work workout? Work out in the morning to feel good throughout the day, and give your ...


Work Out In The Morning

... metabolism a boost! Walk into work with your skin glowing, have a more productive day and after work, just go home and relax.


Find A Distraction

According to Health.com, "Food cravings usually pass within 10 minutes." Ways to Distract Yourself From Eating: Go for a walk. Meditate Check your social media.


Find A Distraction

Call a friend. Do yoga. Take a nap. Listen to music. Read a book.

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For the complete Ultimate Guide to Weight Loss, go to TheActiveTimes.com.

More From The Active Times:
-- Small Changes that Can Lead to Big Weight Loss Results
-- Myths About Weight Loss, And What Science Really Says
-- 12 Bad Habits That Cause Weight Gain (And How to Break Them)
-- Easy Ways to Kick-Start Your Metabolism Every Morning