John Oliver

Washington Redskins owner Dan Snyder has filed a legal appeal to the U.S. Patent Office's decision to remove the team's trademark of the 'Redskins' mascot, and in doing so, he's dumped kerosene on a fire. On Sunday's "Last Week Tonight" with John Oliver, the host broke down some of the highlights from the 82-page appeal with some pitch-perfect commentary that provides plenty of catharsis to people with a conscience.

According to Oliver, the appeal at one point claims that "Just about everything is potentially disparaging to someone," meaning the Redskins mascot couldn't be counted as offensive on that basis.

"A., No it isn't, and B., That's not the f---ing point." Olivers says in the video, which can be viewed on YouTube. "The word 'Redskins' is currently disparaging to specific individuals, no matter how often you try to deny it."

Oliver also shoots down the notion that the team's mascot is an attempt to "honor" Native Americans.

"Intending to honor something is a lot different than actually honoring it," Oliver said.

To prove his point, he proposed naming a football fantasy team "Dan Snyder Is A Thin-Skinned Racist Whose Sunglasses Look Like Something A Tacky Pedophile Might Settle For."

The Redskins issue has been one Oliver has touched upon in the past, including a particularly scathing bit from last year:

As long as Dan Snyder talks, John Oliver is ready to mock.

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