Bill Belichick

Everyone's injured come playoff time -- and now, that means Bill Belichick, too. The Patriots coach showed up at his Tuesday press conference with a bit of a surprise for the media: a black eye.

Belichick wasn't interested in talking about the injury, but he used his trademarked monotone to assure gathered reporters he was fine.

"I think I'll live," he said.

Reporters asked the coach how he got the injury. No surprise here: He had no interest in sharing that information.

"I don't think we need to list the coaches on the injury report," said Belichick. "But I'm sure if we're required to do it, we'll do it."

You would almost think he has no personality at all, except for how witty that retort was. Instead of being as interesting as a bowl of cottage cheese, Belichick is merely continuing what should one day win an award for the longest performance piece in history.

At least we know the important details: Coach is injured, but coach is fine.

The full press conference, if you're looking for something to ease you into a nap:

Bill Belichick 1/12: 'We're going to have to battle for 60 minutes'

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