Pump up your biceps by getting down -- into a spider lunge.

What, exactly, is a spider lunge? It’s a deep lunge that improves your hip mobility and core strength, while lighting up the muscles of your legs and shoulders.

The benefit to your arms: “When you perform a curl in the spider position, you can’t use momentum to cheat,” say BJ Gaddour, C.S.C.S., creator of 10-Minute Torchers -- the latest DVD fitness program from Men’s Health. “So you work your biceps maximally, while training your total body. (Pack on muscle with these 8 Foods that Pack on Muscle.)

But trust us, you have to see it -- and then try it -- to fully appreciate how awesome this exercise is. Watch the video below to learn how to perform the spider curl with perfect form.

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(Turn up your muscle gains outside the gym. These 18 Ways to Build Muscle All Day will help you shed fat, sculpt muscle, and accelerate recovery.)