Most of us learned a fantastic fat-burning exercise back in 8th grade gym class. You know it as the squat thrust -- or maybe the burpee. Besides being great for torching calories, it's also convenient: You can do it almost anywhere. The bad news? Unless you're in the military, you've probably long since forgotten about it. (Want to be as fit as a soldier? Try The Army Workout -- your abs will never feel the same.)

What's more, you've probably never even seen the newest version of this exercise, which combines the traditional squat thrust with a power exercise called the dumbbell high pull. This duo will blast fat, improve your athletic performance, and light your muscles on fire.

Ready to try it? Watch the video to learn how to do the squat thrust and high pull combo with perfect form. You might just find it’s the best exercise you aren’t doing.

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(To make sure you know perfect form, check out The Men's Health Big Book of Exercises and The Women's Health Big Book of Exercises, where you'll find full-color photos of more than 500 exercises.)