China's Dong Dong won the gold medal on Friday in what is almost definitely the best Olympic event that you're not watching -- trampolining.

The athletes perform a series of 10 tricks, and they are judged for difficulty, execution and time of flight. Trampolinists travel between 20 and 30 feet in the air during each jump.

Dong, who took home the bronze in Beijing at just 19 years old, earned the top spot in London with a score of 62.99. He capped off his performance with a pair of double somersaults, which you can see below.

Dong's Chinese teammate and defending gold medalist Lu Chunlong took third while Russian Dmitry Ushakov came in second.

"I was really looking forward to this competition," Dong said. "I don't think it's the result, but one stage of life. Don't judge a person on winning or losing."

-- Follow Robbie Levin on Twitter @RobbieLevin.

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