
It seems that there are more and more people getting into the organic food trend. So many magazines and websites are constantly telling you to choose fresh, organic foods for the greatest amount of nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. Stores such as Whole Foods or Trader Joes are known for their fresh, organic produce.

The term "organic" sometimes carries the meaning of "pricey" and this is why many people tend to skimp out on the organic food stores. So what's the deal? Do you need to buy only organic foods?

What Is Organic?
The term organic, by definition, is pertaining to a class of chemical compounds that formerly comprised only those existing in or derived from plants or animals. Take away the scientific talk and it basically means the food is grown and raised naturally.

A lot of the times people only associate fruits and vegetables as organic but animal products can also be organic. When it comes to crops, such as fruits and vegetables, they get the organic label if no chemicals such as pesticides, sewage, radiation or genetic engineering are used in the process of growth. For products such as eggs, meat and milk, they are termed organic if the animals are not given any antibiotics or growth hormones.

What Is Inorganic?
If you are someone who buys inorganic foods, you may be wondering that means. Well, inorganic means, by definition, not having the structure or organization characteristic of living bodies. Basically it means that the foods do not come from natural growth. These foods are produced using artificial or synthetic substances. Crops that are classified as inorganic are grown using synthetic fertilizers, herbicides or other chemicals. When it comes to animal products that are inorganic, the animals are injected with all kinds of growth hormones and antibiotics. These growth hormones are given so that the animals grow way beyond their normal size to get more meat. The pesticides on your produce and the antibiotics in your meat all get ingested by you.

Why Is Organic More Expensive?
This seems to be the deal breaker when it comes to buying organic versus inorganic. Many people shy away from organic because of the higher price tag. So why is it more expensive? Organic foods have to be grown in a special setting. Their farm must be free of all chemicals and pesticides. To become certified organic, they must remain this way for at least three years. This requires organic farms to sacrifice a lot before they can actually grow their crops. Organic products also cost more because of the work that goes into producing them. The labor is much more intense than for inorganic products. Rather than throwing a bunch of chemicals on fruits and vegetables, organic farms must actually crop their vegetables.

Why You Should Buy Organic
There are numerous reasons as to why you should buy organic. From your health, to supporting your local farms, to saving the planet, here are the top reasons why you should begin buying organic:

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Cancer Prevention. Buying organic foods can be a preventative measure in getting this awful disease. Way back when people harvested their own crops and killed their own free range animals, the risk of cancer was much lower than it is today. Back then, there weren't any chemicals or growth hormones and antibiotics infecting our foods, and they are causing many types of cancers. Choose organic foods to make sure you are not contaminating your body with these cancer-causing chemicals.

Protect Water. Believe it or not, the harvesting of contaminated inorganic crops leads to pollution of water. The chemicals seep into the ground and over time reach the water supply.

Support Local Farms. Many of the local farmers markets consist only of fresh, organic foods. If you have ever been to a local farmers market, you may notice a big difference between the produce there and the produce in your local supermarket. These farmers markets also make sure that their produce is constantly being refreshed. They are always bringing in new, fresh foods to give you the best quality. Some of these markets end up going out of business because people do not support them.

Manage Your Weight By Eating Less. Buy an inorganic bell pepper from your local supermarket and then buy an organic bell pepper from an organic grocery store and compare the size. It is likely that the inorganic pepper is two times larger. This is a direct example of the use of growth hormones. Although fruits and vegetables are not high in calories, you will still be eating way more than you should. Inorganic meat is also a very dangerous pick for your waistline. Try the same experiment as the bell pepper but this time with a chicken. People nowadays tend to overeat and it isn't completely their fault. With the all of the meat and dairy products and fruits and vegetables larger, many people are obviously going to eat more.

Protect The Animals. Although organic products still require killing of the animals, it is not anywhere near as harsh as the inorganic process. Inorganic animals are treated horribly. They are crammed in small cages with other animals for their entire lives. Some of the animals don't ever see sunlight. Organic animals are free range meaning that they live a normal life. They are not caged and live on a farm like they normally would. Though becoming vegetarian or vegan is best to fight against animal cruelty, choosing organic animal products will definitely make a difference.

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