Eddie Lacy was born in Louisiana and played college football at the University of Alabama. Then, in 2013, Lacy got drafted by the Green Bay Packers.

There is some obvious culture shock that comes with such a big move. Wisconsin is colder, the accents are different, and the emphasis on dairy is significantly stronger than in the Deep South.

Also unfamiliar: the local pride in lumberjacking.

On Wednesday, Gatorade posted a video of Lacy working with competitive lumberjacks Shana Verstegen and Cassidy Scheer.

Lacy grinds through a variety of lumberjacking activities, including crosscut sawing a log, throwing axes and climbing a tree (or wood pole, in this case). Lacy is a 230-pound running back, but his strength was no match for the limber lumberjacks.

Verstegen and Scheer were happy to give Lacy as many pointers as he needed. Lacy says he got a comparable workout from lumberjacking as he does during a normal football practice.

In just eight days, the only thing Lacy will be toppling is potential tacklers. The Packers open the preseason on Aug. 13 in New England.

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-- Follow Jeffrey Eisenband on Twitter @JeffEisenband.