Always involved in charity projects, Robert Griffin III decided to put an old foot cast up for auction earlier this month. The cast was worn after he dislocated his ankle in September, forcing him out of action for a large chunk of the season.

Griffin said that the auction money earned by the cast -- which is signed by the entire Redskins team -- would be donated directly to the Family of 3 foundation.

We now know who the winner of that auction is, and he's a true gem. Rich Bruno is a podiatry student and a huge Washington football fan. His love for both football and feet led him to drop a solid $1,522 on Griffin's cast, and he couldn't be happier about it.

In a long post on Facebook, Bruno discusses his victory.

"19 months ago, I enrolled in podiatry school," Bruno writes. "At that moment, what I loved most in life was the Redskins. They’re still a huge part of me. As time has gone on though, my life has been consumed by feet, and I have loved every second of it. I love feet. I love podiatry. I love the thought of making a difference in so many people's lives. I am also a huge RGIII supporter."

Bruno goes on to say that when Griffin dislocated his ankle, "initially fell to the fetal position and sobbed. A lot."

But he comforted himself with the realization that he, as a future podiatrist, could help improve that situation and heal athletes like Griffin. And so he will display Griffin's cast with joy.

"While I will now be liquidating everything I own to pay for it, I own that cast," Bruno writes. "I own that moment forever. I could not be happier."

He also posted his gratitude on Twitter:

Not sure the math in there is sound, but enjoy your new used cast, Bruno.

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