Jose Canseco is in the spotlight again, this time for his offer to help Canadian pop star Justin Bieber straighten out and bulk up.

Bieber is facing a legal battle for the alleged egging of a neighbor's mansion in Los Angeles. Bieber was recently cleared on robbery charges stemming from an incident where he took the phone of a woman who wanted a picture with him.

Canseco is no stranger to legal battles. In October 2001, Canseco was charged with aggravated battery. Canseco received probation and community service after his guilty plea.

As for helping the pop singer add some muscle, it depends on your perspective whether Canseco is the perfect guy for the job. Canseco admitted in 2005 to using steroids throughout most of his career in his book, Juiced: Wild Times, Rampant 'Roids, Smash Hits & How Baseball Got Big, which helped start MLB's investigation into PED use. But there is no question Canseco got results from his method of training, and Bieber isn't subject to PED testing the way pro athletes are.

Canseco is currently touring the United States and Canada trying to break the world record for longest home runs in softball (510 feet) and baseball (570 feet).

(H/T: FTW/USA Today)