A minor league team recently announced it will combine two of America's greatest pastimes this April in one tasty and nostalgic evening. Said pastimes are, of course, playing baseball and eating Twinkies.

The Class-A Inland Empire 66ers will host "Farewell to Twinkies Night" on April 5 at San Manuel Stadium in San Bernardino, Calif. As part of the promotion, the organization will give away free Twinkies to the first 999 fans in attendance.

There will be a silent auction during the seventh inning for the final Twinkie, and all proceeds will go to charity.

The club has even invited Woody Harrelson, whose character in the movie Zombieland was obsessed with Twinkies, to throw out the first pitch. The 66ers also extended an invitation to Hostess's mascot Twinkie the Kid to participate in the team's Mascot Dash.

(H/T to Off the Bench)